Saturday, July 25, 2009

flip trip

Every fibre of my being screams
F U C K Y O U !!!
Still, I proclaim I LOVE YOU.
And TRUST that God/Goddess will see me through
Using the fire of my anger to change danger into loveplay
For at the heart of my malice is pain
And love is the only salve and salvation.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

heart shaped hook

She deals in Painful Transformation

Ripping the flesh from her father's face that he may feel life a little clearer
Carving sorrow in the hearts of every man she comes across,
Delving a deeper vessel of love.
She'll love you more than you've ever been loved.
She'll hurt you more than you've ever been hurt.
To her, they are one and the same.

Still healing the wounds of a father's unfortunate choices.

Attritious Affection
Righteous Rejection
Revenge in a Valentine.