of course
the trick to enjoyment...to learning...to connection with another is founded in repetition. just as mantra is repeated to induce depth in meditation...be it breath or sanskrit...
or as the sway of the pendulum drops you into hypnosis
or as the repetition of movements allows you to learn to write your name
or the drilling of dance steps makes you a better partner...lover...person...
repetition is the key.
of course.
repete repete repete
tonight i danced with a woman after calibrating.
which is to say...we practiced acro in such a simple and subtle way...eyes closed, small movements repeated over and over...we locked in and synched.
then we went to dance class...contact improv...and kept calibrating. slow, explorative, repetitious movement. it doesn't matter what you do...repeat it two or three times and it becomes a work of art. flutter your arms like a chicken, kick the wall...whatever.
repeat, and you have magic. repeat, and it becomes refined. repeat and you give your audience a pattern...and the brain loves a good pattern.
then...THEN...you can INTERRUPT the pattern.
ohhhh! what was THAT??? that, my friend, was a little surprise...and we LOOOOVE surprises, don't we? lull me into a trance with your wiley repetitions, then BOOM...BIRTHDAY CAKE.
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